Since I moved into my apartment I have meant to frequent The Presidio and Golden Gate Park. Seeing as how it is the beginning of fall that is would be the best time to take a walk. One of the reasons that I have always wanted to walk through the Presidio is because there are a lot of great views of San Francisco and the coast. When I arrived at the park I noticed that there is so much inside the park that is just as interesting as the view that you can see around.
There is a lot of eucalyptus in San Francisco parks. I thought that it would be interesting to see if the plant could look different... or at least pretty when looked at from different angles and in different light.

This was my first effort. It didn't come out too good. However I do like my second and third tries. They actually look somewhat artistic.

I have no idea what this tree is. I realize that I don't know what most of the plant in SF are. One thing that I noticed was that there are so many trees in the Presidio that there are always shadows. The nice thing about the multiple shadows is that the light is constantly changes the effect on a picture. In this picture the tree looks soft and fuzzy... I can also chalk up this effect to my horrible ability to take a picture

I took this picture while standing right underneath the canopy. It was really nice to see the spot of light coming through. It reminded me of
looking through the holes of a sweater. I guess that I know what my next knitting project is going to be. Can somebody say moss green?

There is supposed to be a eagle of some sort in (ten points if you can see it) this picture... unfortunately you can't really see it. I think that I need to either get a new camera or start taking two cameras with me when I go out on a picture hike. Anyway. This is what a lot of the trees looked like where there are no leaves on them.

Here are a couple of pictures that I doctored up. They were taken with that intention so the undoctored photos are pretty bland. This one isn't too bad. I a little washed out, but I think that I will change the shutter speed.

The second picture is a close up of the gap that is visible in the first picture. I did a lot to this one. I used some effect that allows me to make the center focused and the edges fuzzy. I also dod sme sort of color effect... I should have written that down. It didn't come out too bad... possibly a little too overdone.

Now here are a couple of pictures of the view. Although I loved watching the Blue Angles from the top of Insperation Point I did want to get a view that did not have a plan in it. It was nice to take some time out to just look at the Bay.

Later this month I plan on renting a bike and riding out to the Golden Gate Bridge. Maybe I'll take a buddy out there and explore more of what the Presidio has to offer.