First Magic Loop Socks
Originally uploaded by oneroompalace
So I have begun to attempt to make socks by knitting two at a time using the Magic Loop Method. And although I do not think that I will finish the socks by the end of the Olympics(February 28) but I will have at least completed a good chunk of the socks.
At one point in time I thought that I was going sock crazy. and then I realized that i was just going crazy. Although I enjoyed starting socks I could not complete a pair to save my life. I would run out of yarn (and not want to spend a butt load of money on a new ball) or I would lose a needle and not want to buy a whole set just for one needle. So I would stop and move on to something else that i would not finish. My hope with doing two socks at at time is that I will either have two socks or no socks at all. There wont be any of that proud to finish one and not have the energy to do the other. YAY!!!
On another note. I was looking for some toe-up sock patterns and stumbled upon a site where the author claims that she has not worn store bought socks in years. I have heard this multiple times and for some reason I can't believe. I would love it if someone would fess up to this and tell me how they function. I mean, I know that there is all types of yarn that you can make socks out of (cotton, hemp, bamboo, soy) but are people really wearing hand made socks to the gym?!?!?! That is really my only question. I have been able to justify every other scenario and for the most part I can see why knitted socks might even be preferred. But I still can't wrap my head around the gym thing.