The trip was great. The highlight of the whole thing was our ride. Oh yea, two hot chicks driving a sexy read Kia Sedona. If you aren't familiar with the awesome Sedona check the 2008 specks here.
My trip started off in the Redwoods north of Eureka. There we saw lots of moose, two ponies in a shutdown Motel 6, Paul Bunyn and trees. The roads out there were crazy!! Basically all dirt roads that are really 1 1/2 lanes rather than two. This wasn't too bad unless some California hillbilly came speeding around a blind turn while your going in the opposite direction. All in all it was great! We spent the firs night in a regular campgrounds but the two nights afterwards we were on a beach sight. I think that form here on out I am going to try to find beach campsites. Sleeping on sand is way better than sleeping on rocks.
On both days of the trip we were able to take hikes through the forests were crazy! The trees are huge and you feel like a dinosaur can pop out at any minute. It was almost enough to forget that our hikes were about 4 miles long... but then I would remember once my heart would visibly start beating out of my chest. We also had time to go to a tied pool. That was nice just because there was hardly anyone there. The only other person that we saw at the beach other than the park ranger was some guy who was poking things with a stick. THAT was entertaining. While the ranger was standing next to him he seemed fine. You know, listening intently and all that. But once she left he had a stick in his hand and he was going to town. Now I don't know about you but I can poke sea anemones for only so long before I begin to feel like maybe I should stop. This guy looked like he was not leaving until he got every anemone on the beach. For all I know he's still there!!!
After three days in the redwoods Emmy and I drove up to Portland. I think that i took pitures there... I will post about that later...
During the tirp I was able to make a lot of progress on my sweater. It actually looks like a piece of clothing now! Pretty much every night I set a sight some time to work on it. Currently I am set back a little because of a minor bike accident. So sad.
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