Yesterday (Sept. 13) I decided that I needed to do something. I needed to plan a nice evening in which I did something a little out of the ordinary. Luckily a buddy of mine told me about the website Flavorpill just two days earlier. I went to my Google reader (I love that thing!) to see what was going on this weekend... that was free. Amid alot of shows with bands that I had never heard of (and events the required money) saw that there was a gallery opening. Huzzah! I can do that. I mean how many people who be there really? I also planned on going to the yarn store to pick up some temporary buttons for my sweater because I lost the set that I bought in Portland. I also figured that since I was out of the house I would to a check on a fall jacket that I've been eying I would also go eat sushi near my house. All in all I felt pretty proud of my Saturday planes. It would be one of my more productive weekends (I had showered and dressed by 11:30am!).
The opening was for Shepard Fairey at the White Walls Gallery. Before I went to this show i didn't know anything about Fairey (other than the fact that he did the Obama "HOPE" pictures). Unfortunately there weren't any artist bio's available so I still know nothing about him. But I guess that is ok because I was able to have a relatively unbiased first viewing. Here is some of the art. I took the pictures with my phone. They aren't half bad, I think.
!!! I am officially finished working with the orange yarn of death. Well, its not that bad. I am actually surprised how well it came out. Anyway, it dried just right but someone one side appears to be loner than the other. It might take some manipulating to get the completly fixed but I like how it looks now. I just wish that I found those darn bottons. The sweather fits and it is warm, so what else can I ask for?My current project is going fairly well. It's the first time that I am using lace weight yarn. It wa scary at first but now things are moving along fairly well. I still don't know way I choose to make the not a hat... maybe I am turning into a crazy knitting woman. Hummnnmmm

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