Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Ahh, knitting

So it has been a while since I have talked about my knitting projects. For some reason I thought that I had declared a moratorium on all knitting posts for the month of October. But when I reviewed my the post in which I apologized for all of the yarn talk I realized that I just had to give up only posting knitting entries. Huzzah! So I have a number of non-knitting blogs I am going to update for those who may care.

If you aren't in my k
nitting circle or you don't work with me then you really have no idea what I am doing. I would first have to say that I am surviving my first lace project. Then Never Wimpy wimple is slowly but surely looking like something that might possibly be practical. Which is a lot more than I can say when I showed my work to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (aka the Yarn Harlot) in September. Basically two whole Saturday's NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team)training was all that I needed for motivation. So if you wanna get a jump start on any project just try kniting a class about emergency preparedness5. That'll get your knitting mojo working. Anyway, the Never Wimpy Wimple that I am working on is going pretty well. It's going so well that I have made it to the boring part of the project. I get to to a stockinette stitch in lace weight for 9inches. Awesome right? Since this is my first lace project I would like to do a little winging. I hat doping stitches. It's really easy if your not paying attention to just drop stitches left and right. And so far I have not learned how to pick up the stitches properly. So I have random holes in my work. I never realized that holes in lace weight 10 times messier than in bulky. Its like you can tell it was a mistake rather than an error that adds character. Working with lace weight also means that my project is going to take a while. I am usually not a knitting multi-tasker but I think that it is called for in this case. The other day I looked down at my yarn and realized that I didn't like the color. This pretty much just means that I have staired at it way too long Ahh well, at least I now know that I can work with lace weight. So now that the challenge is over (at least until I have to do the top edging that requiers that I learn a new

Well that is why I have already begun to eye different patterns. I think that I am going to attempt to knit socks and mittens... One pair of each, just to start off. And well, of course I have to knit my winter hat. Although I loved my sunflower
tams (I lost two last year) I think that I am going to try something different. So, I think that first I am going to try to knit the Berry Bobble Hat from Interweave Knit Holiday Gifts 2008 issue. This project has the possibility of going one two ways:Really cheesy and ugly, or cute... I am hoping for the second. I am not sure if I can pay the $60.00 per skein of yarn. Hells-to the-no! I mean, do I really need a %100 cashmere hat that I will more than likely lose within one month? I don't think so. I like merino a lot anyway. I should be ok as long as I choose a really soft yarn.

Aside from the hat I have a lot of other small projects that I would like to start. Which also means that I am going to have to buy some yarn... maybe some sock yarn?

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ya Vote!

Today is election day. Woot Woot. Make sure that you go out there and vote. Although the polling places close at 8pm they have to remain open as long as there are voters waiting in line. Okay Ohio... do you get that this time: NO TURNING VOTERS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which also means that if you can't get to your voting station until 7:50 you should still go. I mean, even Puffy/P. Diddy is getting into the spirit of things. So you know that you have to (Yeah, take that, take that)

So today I went and cast my vote before work. There are lots of things about this election that I am excited about. I mean, in San Francisco we get to vote on about 30 some-odd things (about 20 local propositions, 8 state, 4 Federal) and I got robo calls from nearly every political party and endorsement group. Finally, I wont have to see anymore commercials that end with "This is Such-and-Such, and I approve this message". I feel like this campaign year has spreed way too long. I guess that I should be happy knowing that I was finally able to vote for a presidential canidate. Its been too long and we need a change.

So, like I said, get out and vote. Read your voting material and make a few informed desicisons! That can be your good deed for the day. Voila. And you'll get a sticker. Who could ask for anything more?

Monday, November 3, 2008

Political Ads drive me crazy


If you are scrolling through my post and you see a "Yes on Prop 8" ad please note that I do not agree with that. I am not down with taking away rights. I could to a whole post on Prop. 8 and how/why I don't agree, but I'm not. I can't for the life of my figure out how to get rid of the ads do I figure that I will at least put a disclaimer.