If you aren't in my knitting circle or you don't work with me then you really have no idea what I am doing. I would first have to say that I am surviving my first lace project. Then Never Wimpy wimple is slowly but surely looking like something that might possibly be practical. Which is a lot more than I can say when I showed my work to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (aka the Yarn Harlot) in September. Basically two whole Saturday's NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team)training was all that I needed for motivation. So if you wanna get a jump start on any project just try knit
Well that is why I have already begun to eye different patterns. I think that I am going to attempt to knit socks and mittens... One pair of each, just to start off. And well, of course I have to knit my winter hat. Although I loved my sunflower tams (I lost two last year) I think that I am going to try something different. So, I think that first I am going to try to knit the Berry Bobble Hat from Interweave Knit Holiday Gifts 2008 issue

Aside from the hat I have a lot of other small projects that I would like to start. Which also means that I am going to have to buy some yarn... maybe some sock yarn?