Ahh, knitting
So it has been a while since I have talked about my knitting projects. For some reason I thought that I had declared a moratorium on all knitting posts for the month of October. But when I reviewed my the post in which I apologized for all of the yarn talk I realized that I just had to give up only posting knitting entries. Huzzah! So I have a number of non-knitting blogs I am going to update for those who may care.
If you aren't in my knitting circle or you don't work with me then you really have no idea what I am doing. I would first have to say that I am surviving my first lace project. Then Never Wimpy wimple is slowly but surely looking like something that might possibly be practical. Which is a lot more than I can say when I showed my work to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (aka the Yarn Harlot) in September. Basically two whole Saturday's NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team)training was all that I needed for motivation. So if you wanna get a jump start on any project just try knit
ing a class about emergency preparedness5. That'll get your knitting mojo working. Anyway, the Never Wimpy Wimple that I am working on is going pretty well. It's going so well that I have made it to the boring part of the project. I get to to a stockinette stitch in lace weight for 9inches. Awesome right? Since this is my first lace project I would like to do a little winging. I hat doping stitches. It's really easy if your not paying attention to just drop stitches left and right. And so far I have not learned how to pick up the stitches properly. So I have random holes in my work. I never realized that holes in lace weight 10 times messier than in bulky. Its like you can tell it was a mistake rather than an error that adds character. Working with lace weight also means that my project is going to take a while. I am usually not a knitting multi-tasker but I think that it is called for in this case. The other day I looked down at my yarn and realized that I didn't like the color. This pretty much just means that I have staired at it way too long Ahh well, at least I now know that I can work with lace weight. So now that the challenge is over (at least until I have to do the top edging that requiers that I learn a new
Well that is why I have already begun to eye different patterns. I think that I am going to attempt to knit socks and mittens... One pair of each, just to start off. And well, of course I have to knit my winter hat. Although I loved my sunflower tams (I lost two last year) I think that I am going to try something different. So, I think that first I am going to try to knit the Berry Bobble Hat from Interweave Knit Holiday Gifts 2008 issue
. This project has the possibility of going one two ways:Really cheesy and ugly, or cute... I am hoping for the second. I am not sure if I can pay the $60.00 per skein of yarn. Hells-to the-no! I mean, do I really need a %100 cashmere hat that I will more than likely lose within one month? I don't think so. I like merino a lot anyway. I should be ok as long as I choose a really soft yarn.
Aside from the hat I have a lot of other small projects that I would like to start. Which also means that I am going to have to buy some yarn... maybe some sock yarn?
Hey girl, so I was browsing around and bumped into your blog and THE HAT! I saw that and wanted to try it too! Just trying to figure out what kind of yarn to use as well... I don't make that kind of money!
Oh, and I think the color on you lace is pretty :)
That is a great hat!
Emily & Stacy,
Thanks so much for commenting on my blog! I didn't even know that I had readers! Sorry but I am geeking out.
The hat and wimple have taken a backseat to mittens. I am very happy to see that these things can be made really fast. I will show off my latest project in my next post. Happy holidays! And please return!
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