So my RAM arrived at my house on Friday. That was a whole day earlier than I had expected. Friday was just full of surprises! Such as, did you know that if you dip an Oreo cookie into pancake batter then fry it in a deep fryer the cookie will taste sweeter!?! Yes, yes it will. Anyway, taking apart the Mac was not a problem. I did mistakenly take out the battery. At least I know what to do if the battery poops out (and I am able to actually buy a new one). Then I realized that there was a small rectangular piece of removable metal in the center of the bottom. Eurika! That had to be where something went. So I unscrewed it and low and behold there was a RAM sized hole. Woohoo. So I popped the RAM in and then went to turn on my computer. I pressed the nice little button and nothing happened. I remembered that the battery had died. So I looked for my charger in the "living room" of my apartment. Not there!! The only place it could be was at work... in my locked desk. Damnit. No one wants to go to work on a weekend. Espeically if
I got up around 9:00am to head back to the office. I was all gungho to get everything started when I realized that I didn't have the key to my desk... and the power cord was locked in my desk!! Guuurrr. So I took a bus back home grabbed my key and returned to the office and finally I was ready to load the new version of Lepord (opperating system) on to the Mac. Cut to an hour later and look at what I could see:
Anyway, if you are a knitter who reads my blog you may have noticed that I have started on sock2 of my pair. I am pretty sure that the sock color and pattern will be off a bit. Let's just hope that I have enough yarn to finish.