Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Ya Vote!

Today is election day. Woot Woot. Make sure that you go out there and vote. Although the polling places close at 8pm they have to remain open as long as there are voters waiting in line. Okay Ohio... do you get that this time: NO TURNING VOTERS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which also means that if you can't get to your voting station until 7:50 you should still go. I mean, even Puffy/P. Diddy is getting into the spirit of things. So you know that you have to (Yeah, take that, take that)

So today I went and cast my vote before work. There are lots of things about this election that I am excited about. I mean, in San Francisco we get to vote on about 30 some-odd things (about 20 local propositions, 8 state, 4 Federal) and I got robo calls from nearly every political party and endorsement group. Finally, I wont have to see anymore commercials that end with "This is Such-and-Such, and I approve this message". I feel like this campaign year has spreed way too long. I guess that I should be happy knowing that I was finally able to vote for a presidential canidate. Its been too long and we need a change.

So, like I said, get out and vote. Read your voting material and make a few informed desicisons! That can be your good deed for the day. Voila. And you'll get a sticker. Who could ask for anything more?

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