Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year

I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and she asked me when do I stop saying Happy New Year. I told her that anytime after my birthday was too wish everyone HNY. I don't really know if I should do it longer but I think that if it is almost February, people are already on their way for having a good or cap new year.

Anyway. I have not made any resolutions. I generally don't or if I do then I make sure that I have a really vague resolution, such as exercise at some point, or take more risks. That way I feel like I have a whole year to go to the gym a couple more times than I usually would, or I finally try a different brand of underwear. This year I just want to finish things that I start. Last year I left a lot of things unfinished. Aside from knitting projects (wimple, slippers, sock, hat) I just want to get some things done a work and in my own life. That is a little more dramatic than I meant that to be. Basically, I have a tone of stuff to do at work and I want to get it out of the way so that I can have a clean desk and finally do some PDF forms that I have been itching to do. The only hitch (and its a big one at that) is the fact that right when we get back I will have another project that I really wish that I didn't have to do.

Another tradition that I have after new years is taking an inventory of everything that I did accomplish in the past year. I feel like this has been a pretty good year for me. I joined a book club, went to knitting more often (wait, I don't even think that I was in a knitting group last year), and when out a little more than I usually do. I did not go crazy, but I did enjoy being somewhat social. Last year I actually did go to the gym more often! Sure the only reason that I did it was because there was a fitness program going on at my job but I do think that I will try to keep it up a little while. As part of my hope to be more consistent I also hope to blog with some regularity and keep up the physical exercise and start knitting things that I usually stay away from (like lace, or another sweater, or crazy socks).

Speaking of socks, I have started knitting a pair the about a week ago. I am almost at the heel of my first sock. It's been a little frustrating and I am sure that I've made a number of mistakes but I know that it should be somewhat functional by the end.

Well this is post number one. It's not blogging gold but I think that it's a good start!

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