Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Don't worry, this is not going to become a knitting blog...

I promise that this will not become one of those knitting blogs where all I do is talk about how knitting has taken over my life and how I seem to only attend knitting related events... or even worst how I make everything a knitting related event by bringing a bag of yarn to inappropriate places! There are lots of those out there. Instead I plan on keeping my posts the same as always but with a few additional posts about yarn, needles and kitting books that no one (other than other knitters) would actually care about.

List of Inappropriate places to knit (Part I)

-The bus
-2 Cafes (once while eating carrot cake, always while drinking a vanilla Italian soda)
-Walking back to work after my lunch break (there are advantages to keeping projects in large freezer bags)
-Sitting in my closet (it was the only thing that made me happy while I realized that I had a tone of crap to throw out)
-My cubical (what? it was an emergency!!!)
-While on a date. (Let me correct myself. I bought yarn just before the date and had to hide it in my purse. The four balls of yarn were so big that I had to take my wallet, cellphone and chap stick out so that I would avoid exposing my secret.)

With that said, let me tell you about the problems with knitting on the bus and in cafes. Sure I feel special when people ask me what am I knitting or when I make eye contact with a fellow knitter but the whole traveling knit thing can be expensive. I lost a whole set of stitch markers! I personally can't believe it! I just hope that I can find them one day.

Update on my Ravelry.com (i.e. Facebook for Knitters... but cooler) invite status
  • You signed up on March 26, 2008
  • You are #133011 on the list.
  • 1422 people are ahead of you in line.
  • 5021 people are behind you in line.
  • 94% of the list has been invited so far

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