Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The Thing About Blogging

Alright. So I always feel like I don't blog enough. I don't know what it is but it seems that blogging once a month is not enough while blogging three times a week is too much. I have had people complain about the fact that I blog too much about knitting. I really can't help that because sometimes that is the most exciting thing that I have going. My boss lets me blog at work as log as I don't blog about work. I think that is fair... well I think that it is fair when I have time to blog. When I am super busy I kind of feel like it's a one sided agreement. And another part of blogging that I find difficult is what to write about. Have a lot of random thoughts and ideas but I am never really sure how I should present them.

For example: Are there any shows left on Nickelodeon or the Disney Channel that have female lead characters. The reason why I was thinking about this was because I just found out that Raven Simon had a baby. All I could think what "What!?!? But shes Raven!! Having a baby, not that is NOT so Raven!?!" I also couldn't figure out when she had the baby. I guess that is what I get for not paying attention to more tabloids. And Jamie Spears had a baby so I don't think that her show is going to continue. And its only a matter of time before that Hanna Montana pulls a Brittany right? But really are there any girls left? I don't have cable to the fact that I am even thinking about this is odd.

I am sure that what all of this really comes down to is that I am getting older. Yep, I am finally at a age where I am supposed to know better. If I could drive I could rent a car without paying that extra insurance. I am also old enough that the songs that I used to listen to are now considered "taking you way back". Dude, really? I mean my mom listens to songs that reminder of her of back in the day. My Nana had songs that took her way back (and made her want to smoke Virginia Slims). But me? Are you really telling me that A Tribe Called Quest is just as irrelevant to younger people as Marvin Gaye? I mean, I understand that there are functioning humans who only know Marky Mark as Mark Walberg but should I be called old?

See the problem with me blogging this month is that there might be a lot of these types of entries. It's my birthday month so it is a time of reflection and assessment. This is the time when I always promise myself to dress more like an adult than I did the previous year. Or go to the gym more often (which is actually working out this year) and think about what I want to do in the future. Not like I think up some time line for when I am going to marry and have babies, no more like what things can I do to make my life more fulfilling. I know that a lot of people who know me will think that is bull. But it actually is true. I feel like some much of my time is spent either doing nothing or doing things that I don't really get much fulfillment. Last year I made a goal to take more chances. For me this meant something as simple as joining a book club or dressing a little different every once in a while or taking a road trip with only two weeks planning. I did these things and discovered that they can be fun! I learned that I don't have to do certain things just because that's what people expect. I really wonder what am I going to make a goal this year? I take the whole month to think about it so I still have time. Unfortunately, creating a more balanced blog is probobaly not going to be one of those things . It is just too hard. My blog dosen't really have a focus so I think that it is best just to go with the flow.

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