So it has been a while since I have talked about my knitting projects. For some reason I thought that I had declared a moratorium on all knitting posts for the month of October. But when I reviewed my the post in which I apologized for all of the yarn talk I realized that I just had to give up only posting knitting entries. Huzzah! So I have a number of non-knitting blogs I am going to update for those who may care.
If you aren't in my knitting circle or you don't work with me then you really have no idea what I am doing. I would first have to say that I am surviving my first lace project. Then Never Wimpy wimple is slowly but surely looking like something that might possibly be practical. Which is a lot more than I can say when I showed my work to Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (aka the Yarn Harlot) in September. Basically two whole Saturday's NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team)training was all that I needed for motivation. So if you wanna get a jump start on any project just try kniting a class about emergency preparedness5. That'll get your knitting mojo working.Anyway, the Never Wimpy Wimple that I am working on is going pretty well. It's going so well that I have made it to the boring part of the project. I get to to a stockinette stitch in lace weight for 9inches. Awesome right? Since this is my first lace project I would like to do a little winging. I hat doping stitches. It's really easy if your not paying attention to just drop stitches left and right. And so far I have not learned how to pick up the stitches properly. So I have random holes in my work. I never realized that holes in lace weight 10 times messier than in bulky. Its like you can tell it was a mistake rather than an error that adds character. Working with lace weight also means that my project is going to take a while. I am usually not a knitting multi-tasker but I think that it is called for in this case. The other day I looked down at my yarn and realized that I didn't like the color. This pretty much just means that I have staired at it way too long Ahh well, at least I now know that I can work with lace weight. So now that the challenge is over (at least until I have to do the top edging that requiers that I learn a new
Well that is why I have already begun to eye different patterns. I think that I am going to attempt to knit socks and mittens... One pair of each, just to start off. And well, of course I have to knit my winter hat. Although I loved my sunflower tams (I lost two last year) I think that I am going to try something different. So, I think that first I am going to try to knit the Berry Bobble Hat from Interweave Knit Holiday Gifts 2008 issue. This project has the possibility of going one two ways:Really cheesy and ugly, or cute... I am hoping for the second. I am not sure if I can pay the $60.00 per skein of yarn. Hells-to the-no! I mean, do I really need a %100 cashmere hat that I will more than likely lose within one month? I don't think so. I like merino a lot anyway. I should be ok as long as I choose a really soft yarn.
Aside from the hat I have a lot of other small projects that I would like to start. Which also means that I am going to have to buy some yarn... maybe some sock yarn?
Today is election day. Woot Woot. Make sure that you go out there and vote. Although the polling places close at 8pm they have to remain open as long as there are voters waiting in line. Okay Ohio... do you get that this time: NO TURNING VOTERS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Which also means that if you can't get to your voting station until 7:50 you should still go. I mean, even Puffy/P. Diddy is getting into the spirit of things. So you know that you have to (Yeah, take that, take that)
So today I went and cast my vote before work. There are lots of things about this election that I am excited about. I mean, in San Francisco we get to vote on about 30 some-odd things (about 20 local propositions, 8 state, 4 Federal) and I got robo calls from nearly every political party and endorsement group. Finally, I wont have to see anymore commercials that end with "This is Such-and-Such, and I approve this message". I feel like this campaign year has spreed way too long. I guess that I should be happy knowing that I was finally able to vote for a presidential canidate. Its been too long and we need a change.
So, like I said, get out and vote. Read your voting material and make a few informed desicisons! That can be your good deed for the day. Voila. And you'll get a sticker. Who could ask for anything more?
If you are scrolling through my post and you see a "Yes on Prop 8" ad please note that I do not agree with that. I am not down with taking away rights. I could to a whole post on Prop. 8 and how/why I don't agree, but I'm not. I can't for the life of my figure out how to get rid of the ads do I figure that I will at least put a disclaimer.
Yesterday I was watching Entertainment tonight. They mentioned that Britney Spears has a new music video. This one actually looks pretty darn good. I don't know if Britney Spears had to sell her soul to the devil or what. But it looks like as long as she stays out of trouble and remembers to wear panties while wearing skirts she might actually have a successful comeback. It was classic Britney: sweaty, dirty, lots of booty shaking and a classic dance orgy a la "I'm a Slave for You." Oh, sometimes my optimism even surprises me!
Anyway, while I YouTub'd the darn thing I realized that the actual music was strangely familiar. I couldn't place it until I started watching on of the local PBS stations and htey had a preview for this weeks episode of Dr. Who. Huzzah! That's it. Whoever produced Britney Spears' "Womanizer" sampled the Dr. Who theme song. Some of you out there might not know what or who Dr Who is. Well, the answer to the "what" is "Dr. Who" is made simple. Wikipedia has all of the information needed on that one. And if I know my Dr. Who fans this may be the most accurate page on the whole site. "Dr Who" British SciFi television show that first aired in 1963. It is still running and has had a total of 10 (as far as I can tell) actors play the good doctor (Tom Baker was the most adorable due to the fact that for some reason he was giving a horrifyingly long scarf). There have been countless assistants. Many of them were virtually useless. But it seems that now they actually serve a purpose.
Who is Dr. Who is very geektastic. I recommend that you just view the Wiki artical. There you will find way more information and links than I am willing to type without making myself seem more dorky than I already am. They will also have a sample of the soundtrack. I am sure that if you go to the official BBC site you can hear it there as well.
So, my question is does Britney know that she is girating to a theme song for a SciFi show with a huge cult following? Well... I think that first it would help if she even knew how to drive to her own house... You know, baby steps Britney. (Ha! there goes that good old cynism!!)
So I have to begin by apologizing to all of the non knitters who might read my blog. Why? Well it is enough to hear me talk about knitting and it is another to be subjected to all of the pictures of nothing BUT my knitting. So I am sorry, by now you all know that I am a dork. So I will dedicate this entry to the other dorky stuff that I do in my life. You know, all of the other geek out moments, or just the plan old unflattering usual.
My goal is to blog about other subjects for the next two months. I probably shouldn’t make this public (writing really. I am still not sure who actually reads my blog) because now that means that I have actually attempt to keep that promise. I think that I should set some boundaries. You know, ease myself off a little. I have joined a couple of knitting web rings so I am sure that there is some quota that I have to maintain in order to keep my membership. So how about this: I have to blog at least twice each month this month and next month, for a total of four posts. Of those, or any other post done this month, I have to make sure that no more than have are knitting related or have knitting updates. So I can write about a tone of other subjects.I think that one of two things will happen… Either I will actually post more blogs in the next two months than I have in a while... OR I will not make another blog post until December. I guess we will see.
But progress can easily be made. I mean look! This is my first blog post about something just as cool as the usual. I actually got to see John Waters at the Castro Theater. I would have taken pictures but for some reason the battery charger for my camera batteries are dead and I’m still hoping that I will figure out why. Otherwise I will buy one next week. Anyway, the John Waters Lecture was really good. I have never gone to any of his live "lectures" before but I think that I will try to make the next one. I will admit that I am not a crazy fanatical JW fan. I enjoy his work and agree with him on many views (US film rating processes primarily) so it was great to hear him speak about other subjects, such as alternative ways to motivate students. You know.... give them books with cautionary tales about serial killers who make hamsters wear high heels while he pleasures himself, or womb raiders (people who take babies from the wombs of pregnant women). I found these tips to helpful and informative. I may have to save them for the day that I have children.
Form his lecture I gained a greater appreciation for the thin mustachioed man. He was able to talk for one and one half hours straight. No gimmicks, or video clips or even sips of water! He didn't even break a sweat even though he stood for the whole time while wearing a black with red trim two button (I believe) suite.He gave a quick, yet detailed, overview of his movies, the movie directors who inspired him to go into film, and a wide array of other topics and may things that I can’t say on this blog without putting up a disclaimer. But it was funny and dirty.
There was a $100 reception after the lecture. I really wonder what that must have been like. I mean, I figured that was for the real fans. I do wonder how many of them actually got to meet John and how many of them actually got to have a conversation with him. He seems like a nice fellow but he also seems like the type of person who doesn’t feel like he has to tolerate people he doesn’t care much for. To be honest, I would like to think that I was that way. But for some reason I usually just try to tune people out, or find some odd tick that they have. I don’t know if that can be considered “tolerating” but its gotten me stuck in more conversations than I’ve cared to be in.
I think that my favorite part of his lecture was hearing him talk about his love of Muni. I’m not really sure what bus lines he may have taken, but I doubt that he took the 14 Mission from Daily City to downtown during the after school rush. But if he didn’t he might want to at least once.
Alright, so I have finally finished my sweater (we will ignore the fact that I still don;t know where the original buttons that I wanted to add are and that I need to steam block the whole thing again)! But I have finally taken a picture and will share with everyone the crassness that is my BIG ORANGE SWEATER. I don;t think that it is that crazy when now that it is done. As painful and time consuming it was to complete this thing I do feel ready to tackle some other "top down" sweater patterns.
Yesterday (Sept. 13) I decided that I needed to do something. I needed to plan a nice evening in which I did something a little out of the ordinary. Luckily a buddy of mine told me about the website Flavorpill just two days earlier. I went to my Google reader (I love that thing!) to see what was going on this weekend... that was free. Amid alot of shows with bands that I had never heard of (and events the required money) saw that there was a gallery opening. Huzzah! I can do that. I mean how many people who be there really? I also planned on going to the yarn store to pick up some temporary buttons for my sweater because I lost the set that I bought in Portland. I also figured that since I was out of the house I would to a check on a fall jacket that I've been eying I would also go eat sushi near my house. All in all I felt pretty proud of my Saturday planes. It would be one of my more productive weekends (I had showered and dressed by 11:30am!).
The opening was for Shepard Fairey at the White Walls Gallery. Before I went to this show i didn't know anything about Fairey (other than the fact that he did the Obama "HOPE" pictures). Unfortunately there weren't any artist bio's available so I still know nothing about him. But I guess that is ok because I was able to have a relatively unbiased first viewing. Here is some of the art. I took the pictures with my phone. They aren't half bad, I think.
!!! I am officially finished working with the orange yarn of death. Well, its not that bad. I am actually surprised how well it came out. Anyway, it dried just right but someone one side appears to be loner than the other. It might take some manipulating to get the completly fixed but I like how it looks now. I just wish that I found those darn bottons. The sweather fits and it is warm, so what else can I ask for?My current project is going fairly well. It's the first time that I am using lace weight yarn. It wa scary at first but now things are moving along fairly well. I still don't know way I choose to make the not a hat... maybe I am turning into a crazy knitting woman. Hummnnmmm
I have a lot of posts that I need to put up here. To make sure that I don't just stay in the house all day blogging I have decided to just put up a large series of small entries. This is the first of several.
When I went to Portland, OR for my vacation I dragged my travel buddy to a yarn shop. I had a lot of fun at the Yarn Garden and even picked up a couple of buttons for my Gathered Cardi (which is very close to completion now). Here are a few pictures that I know knitters might find entertaining.
OKay, So between me and my travel buddy (aka colleges roomie) we have about 200 pictures. I still don't have hers so basically I only have the pictures that I took before I lost track of my camera bag (later I found it in my knitting bag)... This also explains why there aren't any pictures of myself sweating it out in nature. Once I get those I will post them in a sideshow.
The trip was great. The highlight of the whole thing was our ride. Oh yea, two hot chicks driving a sexy read Kia Sedona. If you aren't familiar with the awesome Sedona check the 2008 specks here.
My trip started off in the Redwoods north of Eureka. There we saw lots of moose, two ponies in a shutdown Motel 6, Paul Bunyn and trees. The roads out there were crazy!! Basically all dirt roads that are really 1 1/2 lanes rather than two. This wasn't too bad unless some California hillbilly came speeding around a blind turn while your going in the opposite direction. All in all it was great! We spent the firs night in a regular campgrounds but the two nights afterwards we were on a beach sight. I think that form here on out I am going to try to find beach campsites. Sleeping on sand is way better than sleeping on rocks.
On both days of the trip we were able to take hikes through the forests were crazy! The trees are huge and you feel like a dinosaur can pop out at any minute. It was almost enough to forget that our hikes were about 4 miles long... but then I would remember once my heart would visibly start beating out of my chest. We also had time to go to a tied pool. That was nice just because there was hardly anyone there. The only other person that we saw at the beach other than the park ranger was some guy who was poking things with a stick. THAT was entertaining. While the ranger was standing next to him he seemed fine. You know, listening intently and all that. But once she left he had a stick in his hand and he was going to town. Now I don't know about you but I can poke sea anemones for only so long before I begin to feel like maybe I should stop. This guy looked like he was not leaving until he got every anemone on the beach. For all I know he's still there!!!
After three days in the redwoods Emmy and I drove up to Portland. I think that i took pitures there... I will post about that later... During the tirp I was able to make a lot of progress on my sweater. It actually looks like a piece of clothing now! Pretty much every night I set a sight some time to work on it. Currently I am set back a little because of a minor bike accident. So sad.
Right now I am writing this entry from my hotel in Portland. I love my hotel sooo much. I kinda don't want to leave. Portland has been great. The weather is really nice and the buses and light rail have arrived at an amazing frequency. Today I went to a coffee shop, the Yarn Garden (which is not an actual garden), went to the Japanese Garden (an actual garden) and saw Avenue Q. It was a great day really. Portland is relatively easy to get around in. Today while looking for Washington Park I learned that the light rail train going to NW 24th does a loop and doesn't actually go to the park. Oh well, it did stop right in front of the hotel.
Visiting the redwoods on the CA/OR border was great. I took a lot of pictures but I think that they might all look the The roads to the camp grounds are crazy. But luckily Emmy (my travel buddy) can manage the driving a KIA Sedona (aka the KIA Sedona-mess-with-us) like a pro. Tomorrow we head back down south to Crater lake. So sad. I will miss Portland.
Sorry to say this, but I am not making an effort to clean up my language. In fact after discovering a huge knitting boo boo it may get worse for a couple of days. So all this weekend I was on a knitting marathon. I really wanted to get the yoke of my sweater done before I left for my trip. HA! not happening. Before I began to divide the yoke (i.e. separate the armholes from the body) I counted the number of stitches in each section. To my surprise I realized that I was about four stitches off in all but one section. That means that I somehow dropped about 16 stitches!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!! That is not good. I don't even think that I can fudge it by just making 16 in the last row. Damnit, so I guess that means that I will not start working on the body of my sweater this week... and I will do some major forgging tonight.
Alright. There are a lot of people who remember the joy that I had at my first attempt to knit a sweater last year. And I am sure that there are plenty of people who remember how sad I was when I realized that it was not going to work out. I am pretty sure that I was angry, depressed and hated the yarn that I used for a solid six months. But it took me over a year to get up the c0urage to look at the darn thing. I knew that there was no way that I was going to re-due the sweater and fix it. The fact that the original orange sweater used four different stitches was enough to turn me off from that idea. I mean come on now, even re-duing a sleeve would be enough to make me waant to slit my wrists with a couple of US 1 dpns. So instead I am taring the whole thing apart to make a new (and way more simple) sweater.
So I started on the Gathered Cardi (pattern from Knit.1 magazine) on Tuesday and so far I think that I have made a great amount of progress. I finished the collar and I am working on the increase rows (I am already changing the pattern by adding two buttons rather than one. That way I will have one of them a litter higher than the original pattern suggest). Although I am getting a little bored with the project already I am curious to see how it will come out. The pattern suggests using cotton yarn. I am using merino wool (but I have felt to guilty about have $100+ of yearn sitting in a bag for a year) so I really have no idea it my completed project is even going to really shape the same way. Well. I am starting it now and I plan on taking my porject of my vacation. Yes! I will show pictures of yarn in many inappropriate places such as tents, moving vehicles, possibly brewpubs and definitely in a hotel room. Hopefully I will be able to make it out to a yarn shop while in Portland. I really want to take advantage of the fact that they don't have sales tax.
Alright now. I have begun to plan for a possible summer vacation in June. Yes, a whole week of staying in a car with my old college roommate. Traveling to campgrounds and hopefully making our way to Portland. My job is to actually plot out the Portland part of the trip and well.. figure out what to do while in the car. My old college rommie gets to plan out the campgrounds and plot out an actual driving route. Since I cannot drive at all I have to figure out a way to stay awake and entertained.
So that means that I will have the opportunity to do two things: Start a large knitting project and get a good selection of books on tape (CD I mean). I think that I might actually try to tackle sweaters again. I grabbed a copy of Knit.1 last month and saw a really cute sweater on the cover (the third one pictured here). When I opened the magazine I was delighted to see that it was all pretty much knitted in one piece . You start with the collar and then work your way down, leaving out the sleeves. I figure that most of my issues with knitting sweaters are that I don't like making swatches so working with multiple pieces really gets in the way. One of the girls at my knitting group also pointed out that I would be able to test out the size as I go along! Which I think us the best part! I don't think that I am going to have a green one... and I know that using cotton would be seasonal... but I get chilly... So either I am just going to have to use some sort of wool, or I an finally going to have to learn how to sew in a liner. This project has also inspired me to buy new knitting tools. At first I was thinking about getting a nice knitting bag. But it was pointed out to me that many of the bags that I was interested in were purses that were being marketed to knitters. I have a problem with buying $60 purses... I mean I only bought my Timbuk2 bag because its water proof on the inside. And I really think that my freezer bag method really works well fir me. SO! I have decided that I am finally going to invest in a set if Knitpicks Interchangeable circular needles. Yes! I think that I am going to go all out and go for the wood set. I have never really been a fan of metel. That might change if I ever decide to knit socks or whatever else metal needles are better use for. Hahaaa! I think that I am just getting giddy from the thought of it all.
Now, for the books on CD. There are a couple of road trip staples that my old college roomie and I have. It started out with Harry Potter. Then we moved on to the ChickLit "Shopaholic" Series. Because of the time that has passed since we last were on the road with one another. So we will have to listen to the last book of each series. Woot Woot!!!! A lot of people think that books on CD are boring. But if get the right ones then its not too bad. Generally anything with a bad guy or a ditsy main character will do. Ahh, how I miss yelling at fictional characters. Although I think that Barba Walters "Audition" might be a good book to read on my own. It might cause some unwanted drowsyness on the road... Well, at least until you get to the Star Jones & Rosie O. chapters.
If all planns are able to go through and goes well I might actually have a fun summer!
Battled public transportation during the Bay to Breakers and yes, I even wore disposable undies. The only picture that I can show you is this blurry one that I took in the bathroom. So I arived nearly an hour before my appointment to that I could apply the topical numbing cream. The woman told me that it was a good idea since it was my first time. So she haned me a small container with the cream and a tiny plastic baggy. The bag had the undies. I was informed that I should take about three minutes to rub in the cream wherever I had hair. This should have given me a warning about how much the my wax lady would take off before I could get a chance to stop her. After I throughly washed my hands and threw my civilian undies in my purse I headed to the waiting room. It was nicely painted and quiet. They had muffens and juice just sitting out for anyone to eat. It was great! So I waited and read and took two advil as suggested by other bloggers.
The lady who did my wax (or should I say the lady who waxed me?) was very nice. I think that her name was Katie. I let her know that it was my first time and that I had no idea what was supposed to happen. She talked me through every step. I pretty much just wanted to not think about what she was doing and drown out the sound of her removing the wax strips.... that was hard to do. It was funny because the first thing she asked me was "so why did you decide to try bikini waxing?" It seemed to official.
Today I am okay. It was more shocking than painful (thank goodness for the numbing cream!!!!). After reading a tone of bad reviews were ladies said that they couldn't walk after getting a bikini I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to walk. But I am fine. No pain or soreness. So all in all it went well. Will I get addicted as Katie warned me? I don't know about that.
This weekend I have decided to do something not-so relaxing. I have scheduled my bikini wax. The thing about me talking to anyone whose business is dealing with the private parts of others I get all nervous. You know, you want to know specific things but you don't want to be crude. So, the place where I am getting my first below the equator wax job is expensive. BUT based on the reviews this should be good: Clean, professional, soothing, and they have numbing cream! Yea, that is really my main reasoning behind choosing this place. I know that it is going to hurt like a bitch. So any place that sells numbing cream at the counter (hence saving me time looking for some on my own) is worthwhile. Although I have found another location that its about 20 dollars cheaper and has consistently good bikini wax reviews, they are sans cream and a little more small time shop. If I am not completely traumatized by the whole thing I will go there next time... if there is a next time.
Okay now. For all of you out there who read my blog you know me. And I bet that you are pretty surprised that in all of the time that I have had this blog that I have not written about that "area". You know what I mean... and you know that as I typed "area" with one hand that I did motions with the other... YES people THAT AREA. But it is spring, and time for change, and well I am planning a couple of personal days, so I figure that I might as well try something new.
So, in preparation of the summer and the possibility of hanging out in a bathing suite for a number of days (yep yep! I hope to take a real vacation) I have decided that this year I will look into getting a bikini wax. AHHHH!!! I spent a better part of a Sunday afternoon on Yelp to try and figure out which day spas and salons seem to be the best. I am looking at the best and worst reviews. Anything that has lest than 90 reviews I am just skeptical of all together.
Places to avoid: 1)Anywhere where a review says that someone was burned 2)Reviews that state that the facilities are not clean 3)Places where aesthetitician are known for not listening to the costumer.
Things I can't avoid 1)The pain 2)Slight/complete humiliation or embarrassment 3)The possibility to tweezers being used to pluck hairs in very odd locations
Yes, I want to cry just thinking about all of this. But, no pain no... conforming to an ideal of western beauty in an unusual fashion!
So I am going to be pretty busy/tired/cranky for the next couple of weeks. That is actually part of the reason why I have done three small entries rather than one large one. I have a hard time focusing on one thing at a time or finding time to write everything down. But this is the last entry... well, likely to be the last entry for the month. Yep! Its about knitting. I figured its alright since my last entry was all about big booty love.
This past weekend I was very productive: I moped all of the floors in my apartment, cleaned my fridge, figured out how to use the timer on my camera, and started a new knitting project. I started making slippers!! Woot woot. The pattern that I have is super easy. It is a really basic slipper that can easily. After I have finished knitting I get to sew on patches for the bottom so that I don't slide around. I need to figure out where I can buy nice suede.
I was on my way to being reading Bridget Jones Diary when I stopped... pretty much on the first page. I realized that I weight more than BJ. Lame. Basically Bridget Jones thick. Not fat. Yea, if the author was black or latino the story would have been a lot different. Sure Bridget would have probably still had the same problem with men, but her mother would have commented on her weight right a way (I can't loose two pounds without my grandfather asking me if I am sick). I still love the books.
Other Updates: 1)I am trying to figure out if there is going to be anyway that I can actually take a vacation (a real one!) this summer.
2)I'm almost done making my first slippers. The problem is that I am using ugly yarn. Picture soon to come.
3)Recently I have learned that I am one of the few girls from my Middle School graduating class who doesn't have a baby. But I can't take care of a baby and don't want one right now so I'm ok. I just think that its weird.
4) Nextflix hates me right now
5) I love . I even found a fellow Wooster Graduate who lives in the Bayarea
6) I am really tired and I am really going to have to make my next blog entry a good one to make up for this lameness.
* You signed up on March 26, 2008 * You are #133011 on the list. * 421 people are ahead of you in line. * 5077 people are behind you in line. * 96% of the list has been invited so far
Hot Damn! I think that I might hear something by Monday if not sooner.
I promise that this will not become one of those knitting blogs where all I do is talk about how knitting has taken over my life and how I seem to only attend knitting related events... or even worst how I make everything a knitting related event by bringing a bag of yarn to inappropriate places! There are lots of those out there. Instead I plan on keeping my posts the same as always but with a few additional posts about yarn, needles and kitting books that no one (other than other knitters) would actually care about.
List of Inappropriate places to knit (Part I)
-The bus -2 Cafes (once while eating carrot cake, always while drinking a vanilla Italian soda) -Walking back to work after my lunch break (there are advantages to keeping projects in large freezer bags) -Sitting in my closet (it was the only thing that made me happy while I realized that I had a tone of crap to throw out) -My cubical (what? it was an emergency!!!) -While on a date. (Let me correct myself. I bought yarn just before the date and had to hide it in my purse. The four balls of yarn were so big that I had to take my wallet, cellphone and chap stick out so that I would avoid exposing my secret.)
With that said, let me tell you about the problems with knitting on the bus and in cafes. Sure I feel special when people ask me what am I knitting or when I make eye contact with a fellow knitter but the whole traveling knit thing can be expensive. I lost a whole set of stitch markers! I personally can't believe it! I just hope that I can find them one day.
Update on my (i.e. Facebook for Knitters... but cooler) invite status
This is a blog entry that I meant to post in the beginning of the month. However, I got a little too ambitious and never quite took all of the pictures that I had planned on taking. So I am going to have to post it as is and add a sideshow or something later on.
There are a lot of things about being an adult that are a mystery to me. Such as... at what point are you really an adult. Some people think that its when you get to the point that your like "dammit I am an adult, a real adult and I am okay with that. I have my own vision of being a young adult.
1. I get to eat whatever I want for dinner. When I used to eat real ice cream I would sometimes have a lunch of Hagengas. Or I can have pancakes for desert. As an adult my eating habits are sometimes a 4 year olds dream. On the other hand, I am coming to terms that I am allergic to dairy. So I am begrudgingly/gradually changing my diet.
2. I get to have my own space. Its wonderful because Little by little I am putting together an apartment that I like. I think that when I was a kid I didn't really think about whether or not I liked the furniture around me. I was just happy knowing that I had furniture. Now that I have my own place I often go without a piece of furniture rather than having something that I don't like. For about four months I didn't have a sofa/futon. Until December I didn't have a kitchen table and chairs. And even today I have my small tv propped up on an storage bin. But eventually I will have all of the furniture that I want and of course by that time it would be about time that i move into a different aparg tment.
3. I am beginning to feel guilty about how little I actually exercise. The crazy thing is that I have books, I've taken classes and all in all I have a relatively active lifestyle. But living in a place where it seems that not going having a gym membership is equivalent of not believing in God and living in small town USA, my lack of actual "workouts"can be shocking. I personally don't have a real urge to do it. By not going to the gym I cut down the possibility of catching nasty skin rashes, bacteria, fungi and other gross stuff that by about 50%. But I do not have a rock hard body and in my opinion Bridget Jones (the literary character) is skinny. However, I still feel a little guilty that I am happy with myself. I'll get back on the horse. I will rejoin my pilates class and once the rain lightens up I will jump back on my bike.
4. Speaking of bike riding! I never really rode a bike as a kid and now I do. I've explored a lot of my neighborhood on my bike and even gone shopping. I can even tackle a couple of hills. Well, I can make it halfway up more hills than I can go down. I think that bike ridding is as close as I will ever get to driving. I'll start driving when gas and car insurance are free.
5. I read boring old dead authors for fun. For a while I have wanted to read some good ChickLit (if your offended by that title too bad I don't care and I don't want to hear/read your complaints). But I have read Bridget Jones multiple times, the Nanny Diaries, The Devil Wears Prada, and nearly all of the books in the Shopaholic series. And well, I frankly have no interest in reading anything new. So today I picked up two Jane Austen novels. The crazy thing is that I have spent nearly 6 years of complaining about JA. I think that my enthusiasm to read her has not real barring on my feeling about her works. I like it for what it is. But she is not my favorit author, and I don't have that much respect for her as a novelist (again, I really don't care to hear the complaints about this comment as well). But I think that people who know my feelings about Jane Austen would be happy to know that I voluntarily will read her work without any complaints.
6. I like to have planned activities. I already enjoy knitting, but there is nothing like knitting in a group. So I joined a knitting group that has been meeting for the past four years. All I know is that I am far from being a hardcore knitter. I have never gone to a knitting summit to listen to awesome pro-knitters and believe it or not I do not have a huge stash of yarn that I keep under the floorboards. Well I don't think that I do (but I am cleaning out my closet so who knows what I will find). Last but not least I am not a member of Until I attend this group I did not know that not being a member of Ravlery was actually the 8th deadly sin. I am trying to make up for that by getting on the wait list. YES there is a wait list!
Aside from knitting I need to return to my book club and start attending dance classes again. There just really is something about learning new things and having interesting conversations with other people who might be just as odd as you are.
Well thats what being an adult is for me. Its basically trying to do my own thing while also finding my nitch out there in the world. Luckily San Francisco is a place where there are lots of other people who are interested in things that might seem a little boring, odd or just random... and they are willing to meet at least once week.
Alright. I have had a couple of problems with MySpace recently and I think that i am just going to have to get rid of the account altogether. About a month ago people asked me why weren't they able to open the last message that I sent them. The thing is that I hadn't sent out any messages and couldn't even remember the last time that I even logged in. Today I wanted to at a silly blog entry and realized two things: 1) "Politics" was no longer listed as a category 2)MySpace had a popup that said that I had spyware that required that I download some bogus software to get rid of it. Basically I am not happy with MySpace right now and I might just delete my account all together. Which makes me sad because that means that now I am forced to put all of my trivial and silly posts on this blog rather than the MySpace one. I will apologize now for the increase of pop culture inspired rants that will now appear on this Blog.
A friend of mine sent me this clip a couple of days ago and it made me laugh. I haven't really watched too many of the debates because they personally make me cringe. Currently the democratic debates just seem worst than highschool debates. The difference is that in highschool politics you pretty much know that it is a popularity contest based on looks and how cool the candidates friends are and only a fraction of the student body actually cares about voting... oh wait a minute...
I mean can't you just hear the gasps and the "ohh no they di'int" from the audience. I mean if you can't I sure can... or maybe I just can't help but react to the debates as is if it is a good episode of "Yo Mamma". I am just waiting for Wilmer Valderrama to come out and announce that the winner will have to travel to Yonkers to battle Chauncey form Jamaica, Qeens (Yes I do realize how little sense that makes.. but that show is just ridiculous).
This is a SNL skit that I heard about on the news the other day. I can't believe it, this is actually entertaining! Who knew that all it too was a 3 month strike to get the writers of this ol' skit show to write something that was relevant and funny!
I know that this is odd, but when the writers strike was going on I felt a little odd blogging. I am a big supporter for shows that have writers. I don't care what anyone says, a well written sitcom beats a reality show any day. I do have to admit that I do have a couple of favorites that I watch when I remember to turn on my tv. I love that show where the people have to complete the song lyrics and I also enjoy the lie detector show. But I really do miss The Office and Ugly Betty. I just have to know what happens with Micheal Scott and Jan!! I just have to!!!!
So what have I been doing while not blogging, thinking about blogging or watching Thursday night television? Well strangely enough work has taken up a lot of time. I got my wisdom teeth removed, I've had the flu and a mystery illness. I've been reading. Today I started reading "Choke" and I am really excited about it. I have also watched a ridiculous number of movies. And I lost 3 hand-made hats. Other than that the internet has become my friend.
I am officially a Yelper. At some point between November and January I decided that I needed to view reviews on Yelp before I left the house. Then after awhile I realized that on Yelp my opinion matters just as much as anyone else's (or as little as any other Yelper?). So I made a couple of reviews and I have actually received feedback. In addition to Yelp I have been introduced to the best The Office (US) fan site ever. I don't know who created this site, but is just great.
So this is a really lame entry. I think that I might be out of practice... anyway. I went to the Rocket Room this week. There were three performers but I could only find the website of two. Phonofly and Weather Pending. The other group is called Silk Trade (one of the guy used to work at the same place that I do.. but he upgraded to the happiest company on earth...). I will have to make an addition if I ever do find it.
So my New Year's Eve reflected a lot of how I hope my 2008 to go: I hung out with great friends, took a risk and did something that I usually wouldn't have done, and in the end I learned a little bit more about myself. At the time it all just seemed that I was having fun! The night started off well. I went to see "No Country for Old Men" early in the afternoon and did a little bit of shopping with a male friend of mine. Then I headed home to get ready for the evening.
Ever since I have started being an "adult" I have felt somewhat pressured to create a good time. You know, find an awesome restaurant, find a fun club/bar/lounge. In the end I generally get frustrated and have a horrible time... or I just stay at home. This New Years I found a number of viable options (I think that I found 6 potential places that me and two of my friends could hit up). In the end we decided to go to a party which was described as "being hosted by a crazy Greek Photography Major"... who wouldn't pass this up? I mean, it was a chance to hang out with some new people, it was free, and the apartment was relatively close to bars and late night eats.
The night went well. My two friends and I had some good times before we went out for the evening. I swear kung-foo babies and Harry Potter singing puppets really are good pre-party entertainment. The following shows just how good of a time we all had.
Awe, don't we all look like a sweet bunch of girls? I mean wouldn't you want to have any of us babysit your newborn?
Sitting on the "N Juda" on new years is a party in and of itself!
Look who really loves riding public transit!
Oh, didn't you know that Tenderloin was actually code for place of secret Japanese gardens?
For some odd reason one of my trio seems to have gone scoty free this night... Humm I guess that I will have to capture her dibautchury some other time.